Consumer Representation - Trier par: Des plus anciens aux plus récents

Time For A Real Federal Consumer Advocate [PDF]

Time For A Real Federal Consumer Advocate [PDF]

This report by the Consumers Council of Canada highlights the reasons and benefits for expanding the role of the Government of Canada’s proposed Canadian Consumer Advocate beyond receiving complaints. It argues the government needs to address the present patchwork and isolated responses to ... Aider

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Time For A Real Federal Consumer Advocate [EPUB]

Time For A Real Federal Consumer Advocate [EPUB]

This report by the Consumers Council of Canada highlights the reasons and benefits for expanding the role of the Government of Canada’s proposed Canadian Consumer Advocate beyond receiving complaints. It argues the government needs to address the present patchwork and isolated responses to ... Aider

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Les « super-plaignants » - PDF

Les « super-plaignants » - PDF

Cette recherche met au jour les points de vue des consommateurs sur les systemes tiers de gestion des plaintes des consommateurs (c’est-a-dire les systemes de traitement des plaintes des consommateurs administres par des entites distinctes autres que des entreprises du secteur prive) et l&r... Aider

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