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A Consumer Perspective on Home Renovation [EPUB]

A Consumer Perspective on Home Renovation [EPUB]

When you first decide to undertake a home renovation of your own, your thinking about it may still be unclear. Whether you do the job yourself or intend to hire a contractor to do the work for you, there will be much to think about and decide to ensure a smooth process. The Consumers Council of C... Ayuda

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Unit Pricing: Time for a National Approach [EPUB]

Unit Pricing: Time for a National Approach [EPUB]

The widespread introduction of unit pricing labelling practices in most advanced globalized economies took place over 40 years ago, yet the majority of Canadian consumers still do not have access to reliable unit pricing information to assist them in making informed decisions. Quebec is the only ... Ayuda

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Mandatory Energy Rating and Disclosure for Existing Houses [EPUB]

Mandatory Energy Rating and Disclosure for Existing Houses [EPUB]

This report examines options for mandatory disclosure of home energy ratings for existing houses across Canada and its potential impact on consumers’ decisions.This report is offered free of charge, but your voluntary payment will help support the research and advocacy of Consumers Cou... Ayuda

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Consumers and Product Insurance Purchase Decisions [EPUB]

Consumers and Product Insurance Purchase Decisions [EPUB]

This report examines consumer experiences, attitudes and common misunderstandings with extended coverage programs such as “product protection plans” or “extended service plans”. This report is offered free of charge, but your voluntary payment will help support the researc... Ayuda

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