Public Interest Network Perspectives: Annual Consumer Perspective Checkup - EPUB

Public Interest Network Perspectives: Annual Consumer Perspective Checkup - EPUB
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Consumers Council of Canada questions its Public Interest Network to gain insights into the experiences and attitudes of consumers. This report summarizes results of its tenth PIN participant questionnaire conducted during the COVID-19 pandemic. This specific questionnaire was designed to conduct a Year In Review, asking participants about how their attitudes might have changed over the past 12 months. Participants were also asked to identify priorities and suggest topics they believe will become more important in the year ahead.  The questionnaire was open for responses from January 18 to 28, 2021. The Public Interest Network (PIN) is a national network of thoughtful, knowledgeable Canadian consumers organized by the Consumers Council of Canada. Joining the PIN is free for residents of Canada. The Council consults the PIN about important public and consumer policy issues being considered by government, corporations and consumer organizations. PIN questionnaires are one way the Council connects with Canada’s consumers.

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